Cancel Your Planet Fitness Membership on App

In the digital age, we’ve grown accustomed to handling many of our daily tasks using mobile apps, from grocery shopping to bank transactions. With gyms and fitness centers riding the digital wave, many wonder if they can use the Planet Fitness app to cancel their memberships. This article will provide you with all the information you need about canceling your Planet Fitness membership via the app.

Table of Contents

  1. Can You Cancel Through the App?
  2. Steps to Cancel Planet Fitness Membership
  3. Alternative Cancellation Methods
  4. Tips and Warnings
  5. Conclusion

1. Can You Cancel Through the App?

Unfortunately, as of the last update in 2021, you cannot cancel your Planet Fitness membership directly through the app. While the app offers a wide range of functionalities such as booking classes and tracking progress, cancellation still requires a more formal approach.

2. Steps to Cancel Planet Fitness Membership

While you can’t cancel directly via the app, here’s a brief overview of the steps you’ll need to take:

a. Visit Your Home Gym: One way to cancel is by going to your home gym (the location where you signed up) in person.

b. Fill out the Cancellation Form: Speak to a staff member about your desire to cancel. They’ll provide you with the necessary paperwork.

c. Provide Notice: Remember, if you’re on a 12-month commitment and haven’t completed your 12 months, you might face an early termination fee. Always check the terms of your membership.

3. Alternative Cancellation Methods a. Via Certified Mail:

If you can’t make it to the gym in person, another method is to send a cancellation letter via certified mail to your home gym. Ensure you keep a copy of the letter and the receipt of your mail as proof of your cancellation request.

b. Over the Phone: Some locations might allow cancellations over the phone. However, this isn’t consistent across all branches, so it’s best to call and check with your specific location.

4. Tips and Warnings

  • Document Everything: Regardless of the method you choose, always keep a record of who you spoke with, the date, and any correspondence or paperwork. This documentation can be vital in case of any disputes.
  • Read the Fine Print: Ensure you’re familiar with the terms of your membership, especially any fees associated with early termination or cancellation.
  • Billing: Even after canceling, keep an eye on your bank statements to ensure you’re no longer being charged.

5. Conclusion

While the convenience of canceling a Planet Fitness membership through an app would be a welcome feature, it’s essential to be aware of the current procedures and follow them diligently to ensure a smooth process. Always keep records, understand your membership terms, and ensure you’re no longer being billed after cancellation.

By following the guidelines above and staying informed, you can navigate the process of canceling your Planet Fitness membership with ease. Hopefully, in the future, the app might offer a direct cancellation option for added convenience.