What is quick turn PCB fabrication?
A printed circuit board (PCB) is a very important component. It is used in many industries and this means that getting the right one is vital for your industrial and mechanical processes. If you want to order these boards in large quantities, you should not waste your time patronizing people who cannot give you fast production. The smart move is to go for a firm that has both the equipment and qualified people to give you the best. Below are some ways to find the right company.
Ask Around
One thing you should not do is get your PCB manufacturer from an internet Google search. If you want top quality, the right move is to ask your friends and colleagues to recommend experts who can manufacture these PCBs for you. If you have a list of candidates who can deliver this service, you should take your time to go over the list and investigate them before you select the one that is just right for you.
Test the Waters
Even after you think you have found the right company, you should not be in a hurry to to give a large order to the company. The prudent thing to do is to test the waters first. Give the company a small order for a start just to see how they perform. If they deliver the goods on this one, you can go ahead and place a large order. Of course, it goes without saying that if the company does not give you excellent service the first time, you can never patronize them again.
Placing a Large Order
Now, you have tested the company and they have passed the test. The next step is to place a large order. Again, you should be careful here. First, you ensure that the PCB manufacturers produce the prototype and you ensure it is just perfect for your needs. The next step is mass production. The prototype can be produced in under 24 hours. Depending on the quantity you want to order, mass production should not take more take more than 3-5 working days. Remember that we are talking about quick turn PCB fabrication here so speed is vital.
Stick to One Manufacturer
Once you have found the right manufacturer, the smart move is to stick to this company because it does not pay to change a winning formula. Contract all your PCB needs to the same company and they will continue to deliver the goods. You can also contract some other related projects to them any time the need arises. In case you have reason with to modify or change your PCB, you have no reason to go experimenting with another company. Stick to the firm you are used to and they will keep giving you excellent service.
Final Word
As you can see, your PCB is an important component so you cannot afford to waste time waiting for slow manufacturers. Patronize people, like this cheap pcb fabrication option, who can give you fast service and you will be happy.
Adam Smith Turner is an educator and author, passionate about teaching the next generation of engineers the art of PCB design. Read more onĀ PCB Trace Technologies Inc